How Funds Are Managed
The Jewish Community Foundation of Greater Mercer is a trusted resource for charitable gift planning and endowments, serving as a partner to individuals, families and organizations in order to achieve their philanthropic goals.
The Foundation is led by a dedicated Board of Trustees, staffed by experienced professionals, and partners with consultants from Vanguard in managing the Foundation’s portfolio. The expertly managed investment platform is designed to address the diverse needs and objectives of those we serve.
Our highest priority is the proper stewardship of our donors’ charitable funds. Assets deposited into all Foundation funds are pooled in a portfolio that is managed by a senior investment team in Vanguard Institutional Advisory Services. The professional advisors work in collaboration with the Foundation’s Investment Committee to choose an asset allocation for the portfolio. A common theme is high liquidity such that adjustments can easily be made.
Click here for an overview of investment returns (updated quarterly on the website).
To learn more about our investment strategy, please contact us at: or 609-524-9914.