Nonprofit Custodial Fund
A Nonprofit Custodial Fund provides an opportunity for local Jewish institutions to partner with our Foundation. Once established, the Foundation manages the assets of your organization and in turn, through your investment, your organization supports our local Jewish community.
How Does It Work?
With a minimum contribution of $6,000, a Custodial Fund can serve different purposes for your organization. Many of our LIFE & LEGACY Partners have opened funds with the intention of growing assets (most especially realized planned gifts) in an effort to build an endowment fund that could generate a future line of income for their institution. (This is the primary goal of LIFE & LEGACY.) Other organizations use Custodial Funds as an investment vehicle for assets earmarked for projects such as capital improvements, reserves or capacity building.
To learn more about Custodial Funds, please contact
or call (609) 240-9511.