Daniel Wagner

Judaism was an important part of Daniel’s life, and he believed strongly in mitzvot and making the world a better place (practicing tikkun olam). He was committed to ensuring that people had access to key social services, and that the Jewish community — along with the community at large — was able to be served effectively. By joining the board of JFCS of Greater Mercer County, and later becoming its president, Daniel was able to expand offerings and access to the kosher food pantry, strengthen services for the elderly, and secure the legacy of the organization.
Dan was known for his commitment to social justice and caring for those in need. He was a graduate of the joint degree program at Columbia University and the Jewish Theological Seminary, and Cornell Law School. These educational experiences helped form his dedication to charitable endeavors within the Jewish community.
Dan became involved with JFCS because he appreciated that the agency engaged regularly with both Jews and non-Jews around food insecurity, mental health issues and the elderly. He was drawn to the direct service given to families. Dan began as a volunteer, then served on the Board and Executive Committee for several years, ultimately serving as President of the Board for from 2013-2015.
Dan was instrumental in introducing and supporting Life & Legacy at JFCS. He understood that when families need help, JFCS is here to respond. It was important to him to help sustain JFCS, so it will be here in the future to meet the needs of those families going forward. Dan was one of the first people to make a Legacy promise to JFCS. May his memory be a blessing for his leadership and his generosity.
Life & Legacy Beneficiary:
Jewish Family & Children’s Service of Greater Mercer