Jewish Community Foundation of Greater Mercer

Richard Glazer

Richard Glazer
Richard Glazer

In an earlier testimonial, Rick Glazer described in his own words what led to his commitment to the Jewish community. “I learned Federation at the dining room table… my father was Federation campaign chair… and my mother was women’s division campaign chair and president. While I was growing up… dinner conversation was often about the Federation. Needless to say, I soon became involved.”

After years of volunteering, Rick went on to become President of the Jewish Federation and assumed roles as Trustee, Secretary, and President of the Jewish Community Foundation. He observed many changes in the community over the years including how agencies expanded their sources of funding. With the introduction of Life & Legacy in 2012, Rick grew to embrace this new model for sustaining Jewish life in the community. He acknowledged that “through legacy programs and endowments, the Foundation can help the agencies survive and prosper in the future.”

Rick included instructions in his will to create three restricted funds at the Foundation, designed to support the Federation and the broader community. He was committed to the concept of legacy giving and acknowledged his parents for sparking his lifelong commitment of service to the Jewish community. “I was taught by my parents to serve, build, and strengthen my community and feel that through the Foundation I am doing so.”

Life & Legacy Beneficiaries:
Jewish Community Foundation of Greater Mercer
Jewish Federation of Princeton Mercer Bucks